You Don’t Need to Stop Eating Out

2 min readMay 2, 2021

While we all want to be fit and healthy, it’s not as fun if have to restrict ourselves from ever eating out. Luckily, this doesn’t have to be the case. With a few easy tips, you can still enjoy your favorite restaurants without going off track with your progress.


While they are very tasty, one of the things that will add a lot of calories to a meal is the excessive use of sauce. However, you don’t need to stop eating them completely. When ordering, just ask for light sauce. Sauce on the side is even better. That way, you can control how much you’re eating and still enjoy the taste.

Extra Veggies

Another way to control how much you’re eating is by adding extra veggies to your meal. Nutrient dense and usually low in calories, eating a high volume of vegetables will help you get full and eat less, if that’s your goal. It’s also just a good idea to eat loads of veggies health-wise.


For the same reason as the vegetables, finding a high-protein meal is great. Meats and other sources of protein will make you fuller, and leave you full for longer. Plus, a great steak usually tastes amazing. This is also a good way to reach your protein goal for the day.


A mistake a lot of people make when trying to reduce their calorie intake is drinking their calories. For example, a can of Coke has 140 calories. Some Starbucks drinks also have over 200. Limiting your drinks to mostly water (or sparkling water) is the best way to counteract this, and this is true for both at and outside the restaurant.

Plan Ahead

Finally, if you know you’re in for a big night of eating out, it’s important to be aware of it in advance. That way, you can plan the rest of your meals for the day accordingly. This doesn’t mean you need to skip any meals. Maybe you can remove a snack, or reduce some portions to balance out the day. Either way, remember that one day won’t affect your progress, and to keep enjoying the good food and social aspect of restaurants.

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