The First Habit You Should Build

2 min readMay 30, 2021

Habits are tough to change. It takes a lot of consistency, and you can only work on one or two at a time before you feel overwhelmed. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing the first habits you should focus on.

For multiple reasons, the first thing you should do to change your life is to focus on your training. Fitness has so many benefits outside of the health aspects and will teach you things that apply to all other habits.

Consistency, Dedication, and Motivation

A great training plan will teach you 3 things: How to stay consistent, the importance of dedication, and why motivation isn’t as great as you think.

For many things, consistency will dictate our success. This is especially true when training. You can have the best coach, the best plan, and the best equipment, but if you’re not consistently showing up to put in the work, you won’t get anywhere. Your training plan will teach you the impact of consistency on results, and that learning will translate to your other habits later on.

The next thing you need to build a new habit is dedication. You need to have a reason, a “why” behind your goal. This is another thing that, when training, we can turn towards to help us stick to it. Whether it’s a competition, or being able to play with your grandkids, finding your “why” will help you achieve results, whether fitness-related or for anything else.

Finally, let’s talk motivation. We’re all motivated when starting a new project. Whether it’s a new training plan, a business idea, or a new semester of school, new things get us excited. Unfortunately, that excitement quickly fades, and we’re left actually having to put in the work. This is why motivation is overrated. It’s fine to feel motivated, but you shouldn’t let that dictate your effort, consistency, and results. Sometimes, you won’t want to train, But, by showing up anyways, you’re teaching yourself to put in the work regardless of your emotions.


While teaching you a lot, fitness will also benefit you and improve your life. By training consistently, coupled with good nutrition, hydration, and sleep, you’ll feel better than ever. Your energy will be through the roof, and you’ll be able to push through the hard days positively. You’ll also start to look better, and your confidence will improve, giving you an edge.

So, regardless of who you want to become, the best place to start is with a focus on your health.




Optimizing your habits, your health, and your running. 🏃🏻‍♂️