Simple Ways to Make Fitness Fun

2 min readApr 25, 2021

I love running, but it’s rare that I’ll suggest it to someone. In reality, most people just don’t enjoy it, and that’s fine. Problems arise when people try to stick to a training plan that they just don’t find fun. No matter if it’s optimal or not, the best training plan for you is one you enjoy. That way, it’s sustainable, and you’ll truly get the benefits of years of consistent training.

Make Fitness Fun Again

Returning to Sports

A lot of us will have performed some form of sports as kids. However, as we grow older, our priorities change. With our dreams of turning pro fading away, we unfortunately just don’t take the time in our schedule to play a sport for fun.

If you’re struggling to stick to your training, maybe you need to return to that sport you once loved so much. I’m sure there are some house leagues in your area you could join. If not, call some old friends and play some pick-up. Everybody loves a bit of fun and the benefits that come with it.

If you’ve never played sports before, it could be time to try. The teamwork, skills to improve on and socializing aspects of sports are usually enjoyed by all newcomers.

Family Activity

Another way to make your training fun is to do it with your family, your significant other, or even your friends. It could be a walk, sports, or any activity you all enjoy. Doing it together will add a social component to your training, which is fun and has benefits for your mental health.

Furthermore, everybody in the group will benefit from the added activity. You’ll usually perform better too, since you have someone to push you through it. So, bring your family to the park, the trails or the courts and have some fun together.

Through the Day

Activity can also be built in to your day. From your work desk to a trip to the grocery store, there are easy ways you can add more movement to regular activities. We have a whole blog post on this subject, which you’ll find below.

Easy Ways to Add Movement to Your Day


While most of your training can be fun, there are still some things you should do, whether you like it or not. The most important of these is resistance training. In fact, the Canadian society of exercise physiology (CSEP) suggests that you do muscle-strengthening activities at least twice a week. This will reduce the risk of injuries, and lead to better bone health, physical function, and quality of life.

Resistance training is part of a well-balanced, and mostly fun, training plan. In truth, hitting a new PR is also pretty enjoyable.




Optimizing your habits, your health, and your running. 🏃🏻‍♂️